Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I'm just sayin'...

It made all the difference. I made my way into the surrounding neighborhood this morning and within minutes had left the traffic and my "not a morning person" sluggishness behind. There were cardinals instant messaging each other and a mockingbird doing his thing from a chimney top. Crocuses had opened, daffodil trumpets were unfurling, and tulip foliage reached toward the light. I immediately fell into rhythm.

An open journal and hot tea waited for me to return thirty minutes later and I can truly say that this new start to my days seems to be working. It took repeating that "just do it" mantra to get me going, but it was worth it, so I hope to do this as many mornings as my schedule allows. The good news is that, when it doesn't, these increasingly long days invite late-day walks and the journal is always ready to catch up. These options lessen my self-imposed pressure to get it right every time.

Hope that you're enjoying the freshness of each new day, too.


Blogger karen f said...

Thank you! It's been like a transfusion.

10:23 AM  

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