Saturday, November 21, 2009


So far so good on the feng shui front. Even the plant is responding well. It only occurs to me now that this impulse and its results might been due to the influence of yin.

A few weeks ago a friend signed off her email: Hope this finds you enjoying the Fall colors and beautiful transition period of yang to yin. That got my attention ~ introducing yin/yang as a way of viewing the seasons. It's a more pleasurable, meaningful way to view the waning light and winter's approach.

That stayed with me and, as yin will do, must have found a home in my subconscious. Some of my most serendipitous surprises have come in the simple course of events, words following to explore or explain them. While I'm not knocking yang and its role as necessary complement, it doesn't invite contemplation or reflection. That's the role and gift of yin.

This interpretation makes sense to me. Much of my day is spent expending energy albeit in often productive ways, but I also need times and ways to withdraw. Yin is receptive. It is home to inspiration, insight and calm. I'd seen the feng shui DVD mentioned before, but perhaps what I responded to this time was the invitation to calm, to peace.

Healing sleep ~ among other things ~ does that for me.

My dreams had been filled with memorable images of living spaces a week or so before I redid the bedroom. All different, what they had in common were open expansive spaces, light, and room to move easily. Ease. If yin had been whispering to me, I'd been too preoccupied to hear or understand the subtlety. It spoke of peaceful surroundings.

Curious but my dreams' meaning still eluding me, it took a TV screen filled with images to move me closer to what I needed. Put another way, could it be that yin gave me the dreams and yang showed me the way?

My word for today: trust.


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